If you know someone who is Deaf, is hard of hearing, has a speech communication difficulties or uses NZSL, you can connect with them by calling them on one of the below numbers.
We offer: Video Interpreting Services, Speech Assisted Services, Hearing Assisted Services, Captioned Relay Services and Text Relay Services.
Call us on 0800 4 877 877. You will need to know the Skype username of the person you want to connect to.
The Video Interpreter will connect you to your caller and you can begin your conversation knowing that everything is being signed to your caller.
Everything your caller says will be translated and voiced to you.
Call us on 0800 4 712 712. You will need to know the phone number of the person you want to talk to.
The Relay Assistant will provide you with some options to ascertain which service is best for communicating with your caller. (Voice, Speech, Hearing or Text).
Begin talking to your caller and the Relay Assistant will provide the voice or text as required.
Call the NZ Relay phone number that was provided to you by the person you want to call.
The User will receive a notification that you are calling. They will accept or decline your call.
The Relay Assistant will type your message to the user and voice their reply to you.
Call the NZ Relay phone number that was provided to you by the person you want to call.
A Relay Assistant will connect you directly with your caller.
Begin talking to your caller and know that everything you are saying is being captioned so they don’t miss a thing.