Since Microsoft's announcement about Skype's impending shut-down, we are continuing to have conversations with both Microsoft and MBIE.
We have had many questions from our users and the community, thank you for contacting us. Please continue to contact us or watch our updates for more information.
We want to be very clear and reassure you that New Zealand Relay is not closing. Our services will continue, including Video Interpreting Service.
Video Interpreting Service uses Skype for interpreters and Deaf NZSL users to connect, for making/receiving phone calls. It is only Skype that is stopping in May 2025.
We are aware that Microsoft have talked about migrating Skype users and their contact list to a free version of Teams. We would like to ask you to hold off from moving over to Teams. We don't have clear answers yet from Microsoft about how people using Teams would call NZ Relay interpreters on Skype. It is important for us that you don't lose access to our interpreters on Skype for the next two months.
We are investigating what suitable software we will replace Skype with, to continue providing interpreter access for phone calls.
For now, please continue to use Skype for your interpreted phone calls.